To Grow or Not to Grow
You often here people say “isn’t your beard hot in summer?” or “doesn’t your beard get hot, sweaty and uncomfortable in the heat and humidity?” or “I need to shave my beard off for summer”. The thought that pops into my head is “do you shave your head in summer?”
Sure, sometimes in the warmer months, you shed a few pounds around the neckline and trimming the beard may take inches off your overall appearance, but there is nothing to say you need to shave it all off. In fact, summer is a great time to grow a beard as facial hair growth depends on the male sex hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). During the summer months, DHT production is generally at its highest due to added Vitamin D so this can result in accelerated beard growth!
The misconception that a beard warms the face is just that: a misconception. Unless you have a beard like a lion’s mane or a bear’s fur, you really won’t notice any difference in heat. The beard acts more like a shield that a heater and scientists in Australia actually found that the beard can block up to 95% of UV rays from the sun, which can prevent skin cancer.
The beard can also act as a cooling agent as well, as sweat from the skin evaporates and crease a flow of air out of the beard which keeps you cooler on those hot days.
So we think summer is the most exciting time to grow a beard. With warm temperatures, lots of sun, vitamins and nutrients (generally you are at your healthiest in summer as well) it’s a perfect time for increased beardy goodness!
A few helpful hints from us:
- For any beard itch (which is most common during the first few weeks of growth), grab yourself a quality Beard Oil. Beard Oils help hydrate the beard and eliminate any dry skin. Oils will also help keep your beard soft and smelling awesome over the summer months.
- Don’t over wash your beard – your face needs cleaning daily but cleaning your beard too much can dry it and make it abrasive and scratchy. We would recommend using a beard wash just a few times a week. Our range of quality beard washes will sort you out.
- Grow a beard that makes you feel good – your beard is an expression of your personality and independence. It is also a gift you give your face!
We hope we've guided you down the right path of choosing to grow your beard - we're sure you'll have a much more joyful experience if you do.
Beard on!