Essential products for the minimalist beardsman
There are a lot of products on the market these days, and while each and every product/tool has its own use and benefits, we totally get that sometimes you just want to keep your grooming routine quick and easy.
There are two absolute essentials we would recommend for any beardsman: a quality beard oil and a quality boars beard brush.
Beard Oil
A quality beard oil is an essential for any beardsman.
Beard oil should be applied daily, from the base of the beard to the end. This will lead to a stronger, healthier and more manageable beard. Plus, there is the added benefit of an awesome smelling beard.
We’ve written a blog all about the benefits of beard oil – so if you’re interested to learn more, then read here.
If you’re wanting more of a hold / style for your beard, then you can substitute a beard oil with a quality beard balm. You can read all about beard oils vs beard balms here.
Boars Hair Brush or Comb
A quality boars hair brush or comb will ensure the beard oils are evenly distributed throughout your beard (resulting in less oils being used). Boar's hair is better than synthetic as it has a natural ability to trap any oils into the brush hairs, allowing a more even distribution around your beard.
A quality brush / comb will also help to train your hair follicles to grow the way you want them to, as it’s common for beard hairs to grow in different directions.
Finally, regular brushing of ones beard hair will help to dislodge and brush out all of the dirty particles that have been built up in the beard throughout the day. You won’t realise you do it, but you probably touch your beard every couple of minutes during the day. That’s a lot of dirt going on that bad boy. So brush, brush, brush – your beard will thank you for it.
Check out our blog on brushes vs combs to decide what one is best for you.
PRO TIP: whip out the old hair dryer to help with styling!
Beard Wash / Shampoo
If you're willing to add in a third product to your regular beard routine, then we would recommend a quality beard wash / shampoo.
A beard was should only be used a few times a week, as any more will leave your beard feeling course and dry. They are specifically designed for your beard, and therefore won’t strip away the healthy oils. A quality beard wash is key in keeping the ol’ beardruff away and will ensure your beard is clean and healthy. You can read more about the benefits of using a beard shampoo here.
So there you have it, the absolute essentials we would recommend for any beardsman. But of course, if you're wanting a stronger hold, or softer hair, or to just have more fun with your beard / stache, then you'll may want to introduce other products to your routine. But if you start with these ones, you can then build on them as you like.
Cheers & beard on!